Amanya Felix, the Photographer
Amanya Felix is a talented photographer, and Mozes has had the chance to see his work up close. Felix captures moments in a way that tells a story. Whether he's taking pictures in busy cities or quiet nature, Felix has a great eye for detail, color, and feelings. His photos are not just pictures; they show the world in a beautiful way. Mozes admires how hard Felix works, and he knows that Felix is always trying to get better and tell new stories through his photography.
Amanya Jakes Felix, the Video Editor
In addition to his photography, Amanya Jakes Felix is also known for his impressive video editing skills. Mozes has seen how Felix can take raw footage and turn it into a polished story. His attention to detail and creativity shine through in every project he works on. Felix knows how to bring out the best moments, combining sound, visuals, and timing to create videos that capture the viewer's attention. His editing is smooth and professional, making him just as talented behind the computer as he is behind the camera.